Maui Windsurfing Blog

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Rotational Dynamics of Backloops

So, just what are the rotational dynamics of backloops? Why do I ask? Well, after sailing full blast at an approaching head-high wave and finding myself hitting it as it goes critically vertical, launching me straight up vertically, I find that somehow that position seems to put you in a position to start rotating for a backloop. I suppose if you know how the hell to do a backloop or are wanting to backloop that's great. For me, finding myself 20' (or at least so it seemed) above the water and finding the board and rig being rotated into the wind, with me hanging down under it, is a little bit disconcerting. What to do? Hang on and land with the gear on top of you?Somehow try to recover? It's too late to bear off and recover by then. Hmmm. Time to bail. Eject! Eject! Eject!

I don't particularly like the idea of ejecting either. I don't like the idea of coming down on top of my fin or having my gear come down on top of me. So, the best solution to this little dilemma seems to be to learn how to backloop (or just to not hit those incredibly steep ramps - but what fun would that be?). Anybody out there know how to backloop? Is anybody out there at all?

Aside, or maybe because of that little adventure today, it was a spectacular day of sailing. Perfectly powered 4.5 and my 77 liter JP, sailing in the waves at Uppers.


  • Thanks Colin. I appreciate the comments. Happy sailing and good winds for you!


    By Blogger Jeff, at 8:37 PM  

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