Lighter winds today, not even any whitecaps on the water from my vantage point. Lighter winds forecast through this week and also an increase and shower activity. Not a good time to be visiting Maui for a windsurfing vacation this week.
Now on to other matters. Got a comment complaining about some of the content on here. I'll repeat my basic reply to the comment here, and at the risk of alienating viewers, this applies to our anonymous commentor as well as anyone else who views this blog:
As owner of this blog, I generally want to try to grow the viewing audience. However, I gotta say, Mr. Anonymous's comment pretty much pissed me off. Here's some guidelines for you. If you don't like some of the content on the blog:
a) You don't HAVE to put up with anything. Feel free to browse elsewhere.
b) Create your own Maui windsurfing blog and come up with content on a regular basis.
c) If you see a video posted by someone you're tired of seeing or about something your tired of reading about, you don't HAVE to view it. I generally try to say who a photo or video or report is from. If you see that, and see a link to something by that person, here's a hint, don't download it.
I think taking anonymous, cheap pot shots at our contributors and their family is pretty weak. Personally, I'm grateful to everyone who sends me content. If a contributor sends me more video of his son sailing, I'll post it if I feel like it. After all, it's my blog and that's what blogs are about, posting whatever the hell you feel like posting. I'd love to get more people to send in contributions. Until they do, you can either put up with what's here, ignore it, or browse elsewhere. And, if you feel compelled to comment about the content, I might suggest a more constructive, positive approach.