Maui Nuclear Power
Winds on Maui have gone nuclear the last couple of days with average wind at Kanaha hitting the low 30s with gusts approaching 40 mph. Word of the nuclear conditions apparently reach Washington DC where the Bush administration released a strong condemnation of Maui's nuclear development program. Things could get tense between Washington and Maui as the Maui Nuclear Wind Commission has announced plans for more nuclear conditions tomorrow. Stay tuned to Maui Windsurfing Blog for the latest developments in this story.
Is it against Bush's 'nucular' policy to test winds above 30 mph?
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM
We of the Iranian Islamic nation object strenuously to Maui's nuclear meddling. We reserve the right to be the only nuclear trouble-makers. Maui, take a chill pill, and get out of the way of ayatollahs as they handle Bush and the great Satan, America. Salaam Aleikum, ok?
Anonymous, at 6:20 PM
Attention, here Korea is belief any nuclear activity from Maui is direct threat, in fact, next Korea missile test launch aim on Maui with warhead for blow up good unless immediate withdrawal now from island nuclear facility all, please.
Anonymous, at 6:23 PM
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